PORN. We've all seen it. Some of us hate it. Some of us love it. If you're like me, you think its hilarious. I've seen a few that had some pretty hot scenes in it, and when you're in the mood they may help get you over the edge, but overall they're funny as hell. I swear one time I saw this chick just slappin' one of her tits with this mean look on her face and I promise you she thought she was the sexiest thing ever. I on the other had, died laughing.
Men, I'm not hatin on yall. I know yall do it way more than we even realize. I'm just here to do an honest review. My predisposed biased-ness are pro- big boobs and enthusiasm, sue me. What issues matter to girls in porn? What matters to dudes? That's why my boo, herein known as Superman, and I will be giving you honest his and hers reviews of pornstars in the industry. You may like big booties, your friend may hate them and will tell you someone sucks, and bam before you know it you're missing out on you're could be-would be favorite performer. We only wanna help you
Our First Review isssssss....
Men, I'm not hatin on yall. I know yall do it way more than we even realize. I'm just here to do an honest review. My predisposed biased-ness are pro- big boobs and enthusiasm, sue me. What issues matter to girls in porn? What matters to dudes? That's why my boo, herein known as Superman, and I will be giving you honest his and hers reviews of pornstars in the industry. You may like big booties, your friend may hate them and will tell you someone sucks, and bam before you know it you're missing out on you're could be-would be favorite performer. We only wanna help you
Our First Review isssssss....

8 tastes:
That was hilarious!!! I'm dying!!
Best post I ever seen on here lol This is honestly the beginning of a successful serious for A Taste of Poison Paradise. My only advice is to never hold your tongue. The same explicit language you use with me should be the same on your blog especially for THIS series. Can you do Lacey Duval or Bambi Bliss next?!
@Kendall <3
@One Eighteen Sure, i'll add them to the list!
Hilarious! :) This is definitely a really interesting review (keep them coming). :D
Genius! Muffin. GENIUS!
She's not cute. Great boobs though. I've definitely seen cuter girls.
you are funny..... but i agree with you on this post. I have seen so many funny porn scenes. The funny thing is that they have cheesy dialog too and you could tell they are trying too hard hehehe lol
lol omg nice post! very interesting read haha
hahaha I enjoyed this post lol
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